“This is love:
to fly toward a secret sky,”

Secret Sky is about the dreams that keep us going everyday, a place, whether physical or imaginary, that we hope to fly towards. In a dark room, where we can hardly see anything, it is that one window that gives us a glimpse of the sky. It is the comfort we find in family and friends. It is a secret place we can run to when we are weary, a sanctuary where we are free to be ourselves.

Childhood Friends

10” x 9” x 8” wood (2023, sold)
by Mark & Jo
from DreamSwimming series

Her Universe

24” x 15” x 7” wood (2023, sold)
by Mark & Jo
from DreamSwimming series

Imagination Airlines

48” x 36”(sold)
by Mark & Jo

Secret Princess

20” x 7” x 7” ”(sold)
by Mark & Jo

On the Roof Again

(Paintings, 24” Square, 2021)
by Mark & Jo

I’m Still Here

Sculpture & Painting, Xavier Art Fest 2021 (sold)
5” x 6” x 12” Wood
by Mark & Jo

Everywhere and Nowhere

“Everywhere and Nowhere”
6” x 7” x 12” Wood
by Mark & Jo

Somewhere, Dreaming

“Everywhere and Nowhere”
6” x 7” x 12” Wood
by Mark & Jo


12.5 inch Airplane Pandemia101 (wood) 1 of 1,
2.5 inch Spirit Figure (resin),
Paintings on the box.

by Mark & Jo

Painting & Sculpture (2021, sold )

Catch a Falling Star

by Mark & Jo

Sculpture (2021, sold )

Childhood Friends 2